Call: 212.696.5900
274 Madison Ave, Suite 304
(Btw 39 and 40th str) New York, NY 10016

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bad Luck Turns to Good Fortune—A Somewhat Cheeky NYC Take on the Urgent Care Clinic

What is the definition of “urgent” and what good is an urgent care clinic? Have you ever had an Acme safe dropped on your head by a devious coyote? Neither have we. But if we had, we probably would have visited an urgent care clinic. After all, urgent care clinics in NYC have seen a whole bunch of crazy things since they’ve become popular and started springing up all over the city like the giant hogweed. (This does not include any urban legends regarding gerbils or other small woodland creatures!)

An urgent care clinic in NYC is perfect fit for most of our wild lifestyles. Let’s be honest, you just never know when that safe is going to drop. Our long played-out experiences with hospital emergency rooms are over—finito! Who the heck wants to wait for as long as they make you wait only to be treated like another number in their wounded mathematical equation? Not us. Not people from NYC.

If you suffer any sort of non-life threatening illness or accident, think twice before heading on over to the local hospital emergency room. They are staffed by dinosaurs who hardly speak to you. At least that’s been the experience of many a person this writer knows (including himself!). In an NYC urgent care clinic the staff are very helpful and actually seem to care. I know, it’s crazy but it’s true. There is a new paradigm regarding health care in NYC.

Let’s just say you are out and about in Central Park doing your thing. Whether your thing is jogging, or running after an errant Frisbee like some confused doggie, or just plain old walking with a significant other, holding hands and slowly stopping to smell the homeless...uhm, er…the roses. It is possible that you can receive a sprained ankle while there. A sprain is a torn or stretched ligament that needs medical attention. Once again, an urgent care clinic is the place to go to.

Let’s just say you are helping your friend move out of his apartment that he has shared with his girlfriend for over five long drawn-out and awful miserable years. She is standing there, all mean-faced and red—and doesn’t even have the common courtesy to buy you a pizza or beer. As you lift that box of existential books by the likes of Jean Paul Sartre, your lower back spasms severely and you fall to the floor, a sad remnant of your former self. Once again, an urgent care clinic is the place to go.

Let’s just say you are whittling a bar of soap with an old pocket knife given to you on a long-ago forgotten birthday by your grandpa before he passed away. The blade is worn and rusty but you are in the zone. You can see the Tiki shape taking form through the once-amorphous shape of the Ivory soap bar. In one swift instant you cut your finger, drawing blood. It looks bad and you gasp, aware that it may be time to visit an urgent care center.

But it’s okay. It’s NYC and you know where one is.

There’s one located in the heart of midtown Manhattan just blocks from Grand Central Station. Just log onto the website NYC urgent care and click the “Urgent Care” button under the “WalkIn Clinic” tab. There, you will learn more about this pretty darn good medical facility that are ready, willing and able to treat any ailment you may arrive with. Call 1-212-696-5900 to make an appointment today. And remember the days of the hospital emergency room are over. Long live the walk in clinics…of NYC.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top Three Reasons Why a Walk In Clinic is the Best Choice for NYC!

What is about NYC that causes its citizens to need medical help at such a high rate? Could it be all the sharp, pointy pieces of industrial metal poking out of garbage heaps like in some scene from Mad Max? No, NYC doesn’t need any more help regarding medical facilities than the average large American city. Yet, we should be thankful that there are so many choices available to us when we finally do seek them out. These include the walk in clinic.

NYC’s varying bunch of medical facilities include specialists in all fields and the neighborhood walk in clinic. Established in the 1970s and only recently made much more popular, the walk-in clinic has finally come into its own, establishing itself as one of the better places in NYC to seek medical treatment. There are many reasons for this, but in this article we shall take a look at the top three reasons why the walk in clinic is the place to be for the ill in NYC.

Price & Coverage
A walk in clinic will offer the same exact professional care that a hospital emergency room or a private doctor will—but many times the price will be much more affordable. A walk in clinic works for the community where it is established, and therefore works into its business plan savings for the community it serves.

Insurance is also a big thing at many a urgent care center. These facilities realize that in any one NYC community there will be a varying degree of coverage, and thus makes it easy for an individual to be covered through their clinic by accepting as many insurance plans as it can.

The care one receives at a walk in clinic—especially one in a city such as NYC—is as good as it gets. On staff, there will be a board-certified doctor, not a nurse practitioner as in many other clinic-type facilities. Being a place that caters to one community—and proud of it—a walk in clinic will be proud of their work. It’s not like they can pull up stakes and move on to another location! They have invested in NYC and therefore will do its best to serve its patients in a professional and discreet manner. And in a manner that will have their patients coming back when they get ill again. This is the only way to run a successful business.

Being a community-based facility, a walk in clinic will see every illness under the sun. In the wintertime it is the flu and sinus infections, and in summertime it is sprained ankles and physicals for summer camps. This is what gives a doctor who works at a walk in clinic his uhm…street cred. He knows what happens out there in NYC and is experienced enough to diagnose and treat anything that comes his way (unless it is life threatening and then he will recommend you get to a hospital emergency room on the double!)

For those of us in NYC who need a great walk in clinic to treat any ailment under the sun, please log onto Walk In Clinic NYC or simply call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a staff member and make a convenient appointment. Urgent care Clinic NYC is located just two blocks from Grand Central Station, making it very easy to get to by either train or bus. In the old days we all had family doctors whom we relied on. These days are a little different. But it is possible to rely on a walk in clinic instead. After all, they are part of the community.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

NYC: Sprained Ankle Capital Receive the Best Treatment at a Walk In Clinic

Whether you are looking for it or not, bad luck will find you. There’s only so much one can do to protect themselves from the daily possibility of a common-place injury. Buy a rabbit’s foot? Ask the rabbit how that worked out for him. Bad luck has been around for ages, but it is more than superstition that we must be on the lookout for. Let’s take NYC for example. As a denizen of this modern metropolis you know the dangers that lurk around every corner (and we’re not talking about upper respiratory infection!) Although there are so many choices that the average New Yorker has regarding his or her health, the walk in clinic is the best for a city on the go.

Let’s face it, we come from NYC and we’re constantly running from this place to that. We tend to pack a whole bunch of activities into one day—and we’re not driving around. Rather, we are walking and climbing steps to do it. That’s where the most popular reason to visit a walk in clinic comes in: the sprained ankle.

It happens to most all of us at one time or another. One second we’re strolling along and the next we’re crumpled up on the sidewalk in a ball screaming for “mommy!” A sprain is quite painful. It is also very important to get the proper treatment in a timely manner. That’s where a urgent care clinic nyc comes in. The name alone implies that one can stroll in at a moment’s notice, forgoing the traditional appointment process. And that is true.

A sprained ankle is a torn or over-stretched ligament or muscle in the ankle region and icing will probably be the first thing you will want to do for it. This will keep the swelling down. An average sprained ankle can see the ankle region balloon up to three times its normal size. It can be quite a frightening thing if you have never suffered through one before.

Bracing is just as important, as the ankle needs to be kept from constantly twisting and turning. The walk in doctor at your neighborhood clinic will have the experience necessary to wrap and brace your ankle in a professional manner. Typically it will be a bandage—something akin to an Ace bandage—that will be used for bracing. It must be applied in the correct fashion, in other words, the Goldilocks fashion: not too tight, not too loose. It also should be crisscrossed in a professional manner to keep the ankle as motionless as possible. In severe cases a cast will be necessary.

NYC is filled with pitfalls and dank subways that are conducive to injury. It is estimated that there are over nine million sprained ankles a year in the United States and most of these occur in big cities where the tire is replaced by the foot. One must always be on the lookout for that errant slab of concrete or that icy subway step.

Another reason a walk-in clinic is the best place to visit for a sprained ankle is the prescription you are probably going to need. Because of the pain associated with a sprained ankle, it is possible that a doctor will be needed to write you a prescription for pain medication. A walk in clinic is staffed with certified doctors—not nurse practitioners—and can easily supply you with the proper prescriptions.

If in NYC and need a professional, caring and discreet walk in clinic, simply log onto Walk In Clinic NYC for more information or call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a person. They are located just two blocks from Grand Central Station and easily accessible by subway (and bus). Get up and out there—just keep a keen eye out!