Call: 212.696.5900
274 Madison Ave, Suite 304
(Btw 39 and 40th str) New York, NY 10016

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Suffering With a Sinus Infection? Visit a Walk-In Doctor Today

A walk in doctor from a walk in clinic is the best type of sinus infection doctor to have available. You may be asking yourself at this time, a walk in clinic? Yes, a walk in clinic! This is the medical facility that everyone should be visiting. The days of heading to a hospital emergency room when you are sick is over. No one wants to be stuck in one those morbid mausoleums of medical mayhem, anyway.

A walk in doctor works in a urgent care clinic and more and more are popping up all over the United States these days. There seems to be a ton of pros associated with one of these healthcare centers—and not that many cons. Take the price for instance. Generally, a walk in doctor will charge an affordable price for his or her services. They also tend to accept a large variety of insurance policies.

A walk in doctor is good for so many things. Considering that a walk in doctor commonly serves a static community, their experience with illnesses that strike the hearts of cities and towns is high. Take the sinus infection for instance. A typical walk in doctor has tons of experience with maladies of this sort.

Let’s take a look at the type of knowledge and care that walk in doctor doles out to his regular patients—and new patients alike. A sinus infection is known as sinusitis and is basically an inflammation of the sinus region. This inflammation makes it hard to breath, gives the sufferer a congested head, and tends to keep companies like Kleenex in business!

What are the symptoms of a common case of sinusitis and what does a walk in doctor look for when diagnosing such? The symptoms of a sinus infection are as follows:

•    A discharge of thick green or yellow mucous
•    A congested head and/or headache
•    Pain in the mouth especially around the teeth
•    Stuffy nose
•    Cough
•    A feeling of tiredness
•    Pressure in the ears
•    Fever

Your walk in doctor will explain to you that a sinus infection lasting less than a month is usually due to a viral infection. Although hearing this sounds worse than it actually is. For instance, the common cold is a viral infection. Most people suffering from the common cold will suffer through sinus infection symptoms. To borrow a saying off the golf course, these symptoms are generally considered “par for the course.”

Your walk in doctor will also explain to you that sinus infections lasting longer than a month are typically due to allergy issues. A walk in doctor is also experienced enough with allergy issues that they can provide great treatment to the sufferer.

There are ways to treat a sinus infection at home with over the counter medicines, but when the symptoms become too much to handle on your own—or if any of the following symptoms arise—you should get to the walk in doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms, that make a visit to the doctor important include:

•    Sudden head pain
•    Difficulty seeing
•    A fever higher than 102
•    Any difficulty concentrating or breathing
•    Swelling around the eyes

If you are suffering through any of these sinus infection symptoms and feel the need to see a walk in doctor please log onto for the best help available. They are located at 274 Madison Avenue (between 39th and 40th streets), and can be reached via phone at 1-212-696-5900. The fact that they are just two blocks from Grand Central Station makes them the perfect place to get to in a flash.

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