Call: 212.696.5900
274 Madison Ave, Suite 304
(Btw 39 and 40th str) New York, NY 10016

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Your Friendly Neighborhood Primary care Doctor ExplainsThe Top Three Bed Bug Myths & Misunderstandings

There’s a new gang of toughs to beware of. They travel in packs and are quite ugly. They have nothing on their minds but bad things and destruction. Like all bottom dwellers they attack when you are least expecting it. In this case, it is while you are asleep. They gang up on you as you lie in bed alone and ravage your body one drop of blood at a time. Of course we are speaking of bedbugs. If you happen to cohabit with these nasty critters, it’s time to get to your nearest neighborhood walk-in clinic.

Bed bugs have been around for a long time, though lately they are receiving a lot of press due to the fact that their numbers have multiplied dramatically in many big cities. If just the words “bed bugs” is enough to make your skin crawl, just imagine what it would be like to share a mattress with them and find their insidious blood-dripping bites all over your flesh? You would be lucky to live near a professional walk in clinic if these evil insects find you.

This article will concentrate on the Top Three Bed Bug Myths. There is a lot of information out there regarding these creatures, but not all of it is true. Read on to find out the truth regarding these nocturnal nightmares.

Number Three Bed Bug Myth
Bed Bugs are so small you cannot see them.
FALSE! Believe it or not bed bugs are not microscopic and you can see them with your bare eyes. Be careful not to take a magnifying glass to them or you will find yourself regurgitating in your mouth due to their nastiness. When bed bugs are young they are approximately the size of a poppy seed. As they grow older they will reach the size of an apple seed. An apple seed! That’s not small at all. Get to a primary care doctor or walk in clinic immediately if you believe you have been bitten by bed bugs.

Number Two Bed Bug Myth
Bed Bugs only live on beds.
FALSE! Although bed bugs love to dwell inside mattresses, these are not the only places you will find thriving communities of these awful itchers. Bed bugs are equally as comfortable in chairs, rugs, pillows, you name it—if it’s soft and comfortable there may be bed bugs living in it! Also be aware of the fact that bed bugs do not make mischief only during the evenings. In fact, anytime is the right time for a bed bug to take a tiny chomp out of you if it is possible to do so. Remember to get to a doctor’s office or walk in clinic if you see evidence of bed bugs in your abode.

Number One Bed Bug Myth
If I encase my mattress and pillow the bed bugs will not attack me.
FALSE! Wrapping your mattress and/or pillow in a special wrapping made to protect you against bed bugs is always a good idea because it makes the mattress and pillow impregnable to the housing of their disgusting little colonies. As previously stated, however, bed bugs do not reside in mattresses alone therefore they will always find a way to get on your bed during the night to do their dirty, painful business.

If you live in the New York City area and think—or KNOW—you want a bed bug treatment it may be time to visit to take care of those painful, itchy bites. Log on to find out all the information you need, or simply dial 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a friendly staff member and arrange an appointment today. Located in midtown Manhattan, Walk In Clinic of New York is easily accessible by bus and subway. Do not live another moment with bed bugs!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Important Mono Questions And Answers - Learn all You Can About The Kissing Disease

It used to be called the Kissing Disease and throughout elementary, junior high and high school its name was often mentioned. It was often thrown about with nary a care and used as a disparaging remark. You may remember the school yard taunting of “Betty has mono”, “Kim has mono” or “Greg gave Sherry mono”. Whichever way it was said it was never a good thing. Mono is a genuine concern to youngsters and one that more people should know about. Read further to find out more.

In this article, we will answer many questions regarding this illness. In doing so we hope to give children and parents alike a much better grasp on this so-called ‘rite of passage’ sickness. Sit back and learn about mononucleosis, better known as mono.

What exactly is mono?
Mononucleosis, or mono for short, is a viral infection that typically affects children and young adults. Most have heard of this insidious illness.

What is its cause?
The cause of mono is the Epstein-Barr virus and the cytomegalovirus. Often times, viral infections are more difficult to treat than bacterial infections.

How is it spread?
Mono is mainly spread through the exchange of saliva, hence its old-fashioned name of the Kissing Disease. Due to the fact that children and young adults are experimenting with their sexuality through kissing their friends, this age group is particularly vulnerable.

How can one catch it?
As previously mentioned, kissing is a main mode of transmission as is the sharing of utensils, as in a spoon for ice cream or some other treat that children and young adults often partake in. One can catch mono by even the simple act of holding hands with an infected individual.

How long is the contagious period?
The contagious period of mono is up to two full months. This gives children and young adults ample time to spread the virus while at school, at social activities, or merely by staying at home around family members.

What are the symptoms?
Mono has several different symptoms, amongst which the main ones being sore throat and fever. Along with these symptoms fatigue also plays a large role. Depending on the severity of the infection, and the infected one’s age, spleen problems may also arise.

How long does it last?
Mono symptoms may last up to four or so weeks. Energy levels can typically take much longer to rise.

Can I get it more than once?
As with any virus it is typically caught once in a lifetime, if that. In some very rare cases individuals have been known to be re-infected, but they are very few and far between.

How will I know it if I have it?
A standard test can, and should, be performed by your internist to ascertain if one has Mononucleosis infection.

Is it a big deal if I am positive for it?
No, generally mono is not a huge problem and will get better over time. Unfortunately, sometimes complications from the viral infection will arise thus making it a health concern for the infected party.

If you are in the New York City area and would like to see a doctor regarding a suspected case of mono please log onto Located on Madison Avenue in midtown, Manhattan the Walk In Clinic Of New York is easily accessible by both subway and bus. To speak to a staff member simply dial 1-212-696-5900. Remember, better to be tested and fail than to never have taken the test at all.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Blink Away! Forget Pink Eye at the Urgent Care Clinic

Did you know? The average person blinks 22 times per minute. That basically means within a year, we’ll have blinked around 8,000,000 times. Why so much though? According to medical research, it’s both a defense mechanism and sustaining motion for the eye. Not only does it provide moisture to keep the eye from drying out, but it also protects from pesky irritants like dust, pollen, bugs, etc. Yet for all blinking does, it cannot protect against infections like conjunctivitis.

More commonly called pink eye, this inflammation of the inner layer of the eyelid mostly comes from viral or bacterial infections. There are of course other causes like allergies, Chlamydia, parasites, fungi, use of contact lenses, certain diseases, and chemical exposure. While these may be potential origins, they are not as common. Thus, for the sake of time (yours and mine), we’ll just go over the primary two.

For the most part, conjunctivitis comes from a virus, generally when you’re suffering from the common cold and/or a sore throat. (You won’t find it every time you’re feeling sick, but don’t be surprised if you see it on occasion).The infection starts in one eye, and can easily travel to the other one.

Much like its infectious counterpart, bacterial pink eye is highly contagious. The difference between the two though comes from more than names. Bacterial conjunctivitis develops from a pus-producing bacterium that will bring about irritation or grittiness. Depending on the situation, you’ll see a dark, gray, or yellow mucus/pus secreting from your eye. Careful when you blink. The discharge can cause your eyelids to stick to each other, especially after you sleep.

So how do you know for sure if you have it? While the name implies a pink color, more often than not, you’ll see red. Other symptoms may include but are not limited to: swelling, burning, eye pain, blurred vision, excessive tearing, itching, some sensitivity to light, drainage from the eye, and/or feeling like there’s something in your eye. You’ll probably do a bit more blinking as well, given that your eyes will be drier and more sensitive. If you’re really not sure, check with a primary care doctor.

The easiest place to find one immediately is an urgent care clinic. Think about it, pink eye is very contagious. If you’ve got a cold, you can spread it through coughing or sneezing. It can also be spread through touch. Touch your eye, touch a doorknob, hold someone’s hand, touch food and share it with someone. You’re going to get people sick fast. If you’re in an ER waiting for who knows how long, think about how many things/people you can cough/sneeze on or touch. That or while you’re waiting, you might catch something they have and worsen your condition. Very tempting isn’t it?

Stop by a walk in clinic instead, where doctors will treat you readily upon arrival and with friendly courtesy. You’ll save time being sick and save your family, friends, coworkers, and random strangers from being infected. Yes, you’ll even be able to blink again.

Want to hear more about pink eye? Stop by our urgent care clinic located outside of Grand Central in NYC. We’ll take care of your blinking ability and your health as fast as you can say pink eye. To sign up for an appointment, visit our website at

Make it a Walk in Clinic: Change Your NYC Healthcare to the Best

We all know how horrible waiting in a hospital emergency room is. Just when you are feeling your worse you have to pack up a magazine and a bottle of spring water and head over to your “friendly” neighborhood hospital emergency room—only to find yourself waiting for hours as names are called of people you can swear came in way after you. We live in NYC, we have the best everything, there is no reason we should suffer through such shoddy medical care. Thank goodness there is a new type of facility one can visit in NYC. It’s a medical clinic and it makes the most sense out of all the mediocre choices beneath it!

Your average walk in clinic in NYC is one that more often than not allows walk-in appointments. The difference between the walk-in appointments at a medical clinic and the walk in appointments at a hospital emergency room is quite different. First off, take the wait time. At an average medical clinic in NYC the wait time will be way below one hour. There is so much to be said for this. When one is sick, ill with the flu, or hobbling on a sprained ankle, the last thing you want to do is sit and wait. And wait.

Another great reason for visiting an average medical clinic in NYC is the varied types of care and treatment you can receive at one. Aside from the fast face-to-face time the doctor shall “grant” you, there are tons of experience the doctor has, and the differing types of specialties you shall be offered as a patient. Say you have the flu? Your shot will be there waiting for you whenever you come in. Now, say you need to take a business trip to the Far East. At an average medical clinic in NYC you will also find the exact inoculation you will need to protect you from, let’s say, yellow fever waiting for you. It is this type of expertise that has patients visiting and revisiting the medical clinic time and time again.

That’s right the board certified internal medicine doctor you will find at the medical clinic will be licensed to not only vaccinate you with the proper inoculation for your trip or vacation, but will also be able to provide the paperwork needed to get you inside many countries. It is a fact that several countries will not allow entry without the proper paperwork that a certified medical clinic doctor can provide you.

There is also the question of insurance. An average medical clinic in NYC tends to accept a ton of different insurance policies. Chances are whatever your coverage is shall be accepted at a top notch medical clinic in NYC. For those that are uninsured, the prices are startlingly lower than average. A good medical clinic in NYC prides itself on being able to affordably treat whoever shows up or calls for an appointment. Chances are that once you find the medical clinic that works for you they shall provide your healthcare for years to come.

If you’d like to visit an above-average medical clinic in NYC log onto to This facility run by a board-certified medical doctor (not a nurse practitioner as in similar ones) and is located conveniently just blocks from Grand Central Station. They are dedicated to hard work on your behalf and are professional and discreet. Please call 1-212-696-5900 to speak to a person and book a convenient appointment that fits into your important schedule.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Suffering With a Sinus Infection? Visit a Walk-In Doctor Today

A walk in doctor from a walk in clinic is the best type of sinus infection doctor to have available. You may be asking yourself at this time, a walk in clinic? Yes, a walk in clinic! This is the medical facility that everyone should be visiting. The days of heading to a hospital emergency room when you are sick is over. No one wants to be stuck in one those morbid mausoleums of medical mayhem, anyway.

A walk in doctor works in a urgent care clinic and more and more are popping up all over the United States these days. There seems to be a ton of pros associated with one of these healthcare centers—and not that many cons. Take the price for instance. Generally, a walk in doctor will charge an affordable price for his or her services. They also tend to accept a large variety of insurance policies.

A walk in doctor is good for so many things. Considering that a walk in doctor commonly serves a static community, their experience with illnesses that strike the hearts of cities and towns is high. Take the sinus infection for instance. A typical walk in doctor has tons of experience with maladies of this sort.

Let’s take a look at the type of knowledge and care that walk in doctor doles out to his regular patients—and new patients alike. A sinus infection is known as sinusitis and is basically an inflammation of the sinus region. This inflammation makes it hard to breath, gives the sufferer a congested head, and tends to keep companies like Kleenex in business!

What are the symptoms of a common case of sinusitis and what does a walk in doctor look for when diagnosing such? The symptoms of a sinus infection are as follows:

•    A discharge of thick green or yellow mucous
•    A congested head and/or headache
•    Pain in the mouth especially around the teeth
•    Stuffy nose
•    Cough
•    A feeling of tiredness
•    Pressure in the ears
•    Fever

Your walk in doctor will explain to you that a sinus infection lasting less than a month is usually due to a viral infection. Although hearing this sounds worse than it actually is. For instance, the common cold is a viral infection. Most people suffering from the common cold will suffer through sinus infection symptoms. To borrow a saying off the golf course, these symptoms are generally considered “par for the course.”

Your walk in doctor will also explain to you that sinus infections lasting longer than a month are typically due to allergy issues. A walk in doctor is also experienced enough with allergy issues that they can provide great treatment to the sufferer.

There are ways to treat a sinus infection at home with over the counter medicines, but when the symptoms become too much to handle on your own—or if any of the following symptoms arise—you should get to the walk in doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms, that make a visit to the doctor important include:

•    Sudden head pain
•    Difficulty seeing
•    A fever higher than 102
•    Any difficulty concentrating or breathing
•    Swelling around the eyes

If you are suffering through any of these sinus infection symptoms and feel the need to see a walk in doctor please log onto for the best help available. They are located at 274 Madison Avenue (between 39th and 40th streets), and can be reached via phone at 1-212-696-5900. The fact that they are just two blocks from Grand Central Station makes them the perfect place to get to in a flash.